Eye Care

3d oct scanning

OCT – Ocular Coherence Tomography – is an advanced eye scan for people of all ages. Similar to ultrasound, OCT uses light rather than sound waves to illustrate the different layers that make up the back of your eye. The OCT machine captures both a fundus photograph and a cross-sectional scan of the back of the eye at the same time. Find out more here.

Macular degeneration

Macular Degeneration is an age related condition that mostly affects people who are over 50, and it is often called age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). The condition affects the central part of the retina, an area that is called the macula. It is the most common cause of loss of vision on older people. There are two forms of Macular Degeneration; these are ‘wet MD’ and ‘dry MD’. Find out more here.

Dry eyes

Our practice offers dry eye and watery eye clinics. This can include the fitting of punctual plugs or lacrimal syringing. This service can reduce or eliminate these uncomfortable symptoms. Find out more here.